Our Schools programme is now moving forward from its initial phase of development. As we indicated earlier, we are very keen to provide hands-on museum sessions that will cover the WSR’s links with Brunel and the GWR, the impact of the railway on local history as well as links to the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
In order to deliver these initiatives, especially for our younger visitors, we will need some particular resources. We are planning to provide among other things, activity boxes for loan or to be used in conjunction with learning sessions. We would like to open an appeal for donations for our Learning Centre for items such as Lego, similar style construction toys and children’s books such as Thomas the Tank Engine or Peters Railway or similar.
If you are able to donate items as mentioned above, please bring them to the museum at Bishops Lydeard or email learning@wssrt.co.uk
You can also contact us at our registered office:
West Somerset Steam Railway Trust,
The Railway Station,
Station Road,
Bishops Lydeard,