The new season on the WSR starts on Saturday 30 March, and the Gauge Museum at Bishops Lydeard will reopen then as will Gauge Junction, the model railway. During the period that trains are running to Watchet only, opening hours will be from 09.45 to 14.30. From Good Friday, 19 April onwards, with the full service to Minehead restored, the museum and model railway will be open over the Easter weekend and every Sunday, bank holiday and gala day throughout the summer, from 10.00 to 16.30.
The Blue Anchor Railway Museum will reopen with the start of trains through to Minehead on Good Friday, then Saturday 20 March, Easter Day, Easter Monday and every Sunday and bank holiday through the summer.
Come and find out more of the railway’s history and the story of how it was part of Somerset’s development and continues to serve the county today.