The West Somerset Steam Railway Trust is moving forward with the planning of the Gauge Museum Project and is starting to look at the various tasks that are to be carried out during this coming November and the beginning of next year. It is the first time for many years there is an opportunity to completely refurbish the Gauge Museum. As you will all appreciate there is a lot of work to do including the removal of all wall mounted exhibits and the complete repaint of the inside of the museum building. Between now and November the planning process is continuing in partnership with Smith and Jones who are museum and interpretive exhibition designers and are providing much support and ideas as to a way forward. It is the Trust’s intention that once the refurbishment is finished the museum will display the railway’s story and provide a learning experience for schools as well as holding much of the railway’s valuable memories. If you would like to be involved with this exciting project, we would be very pleased to welcome you into the Gauge Museum team, for more details please email info@wssrt.co.uk or telephone 07742 655 339