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West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust WSRHT

WSR Plc Chairman’s end of season message

Jon Jones-Pratt, Chairman of WSR Plc, has issued an end of season message:

It is the time of the year when we start looking forward to the winter festivities. For many of us that means a few days pause between the end of our main scheduled services and the Christmas Programme. But not forall, and I know some of you have been working very hard to get the railway ready for the Winter programme. I have been busy too.

In a few days we have our AGM. The annual accounts have been published for the period up the end of March 2019, and we have reported a loss of over £800,000; the year before we had made a small profit. Nor surprisingly the press have been beating a path to my door for comment.

What have I been telling them?

When I took over as Chairman I found a bad financial position. We had been told by our Safety regulator that it had real doubts about our capability to operate a safe railway. I had to take some very hard decisions. But these arestarting to work. Is the job done? Not yet, and there remainbig challenges. We still need morefunds, we must bring in more active volunteers so we don’t have to rely so heavily on a few, we still need to improve the way wework together. But we are making real progress.

I have been told that my approach is too commercially minded, that change was not needed. I have to say that was never going to be the case. We can only make this railway that we love, and we all dolove it, continue to live on, if the money we raise through the fare box, commercial activities, donations and grants exceedsour costs. No excess, no money to repair and renew the track; no excess, no money to mend the locomotives; no excess, no money to keep our stations in a safe conditions; we have to have a clear business focus.

I do feel so positive about this great railway. So many people have done so much to make the last few months a success. From a position where our Auditors were questioning our survival, we now have our accounts signed off, and we can move on.

This year saw the 40th anniversary celebrations of the WSR; the Halloween Spooktacular was great fun; the Steam and Diesel galas and the 40s weekend were all successful events; we are now starting the Christmas events which are getting excellent feedback already; of course we ran our scheduled services, and these are now trading profitably, and although we have seen a slight drop in numbers, we are at last starting to build up a cash reserve. Throughout this we have not needed to touch the overdraft facility we had arranged.

We have seen £120,000 raised for the Track Appeal by the WSRA; the Steam Trust was successful in a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for £40,000 to redevelop the Gauge Museum, with £20,000 added from their own funds on top; renovation continues with carriage 6705 complete,and locomotive work is ongoing; we saw the operation of theTaunton Shuttle to BL. The very important work to upgrade our infrastructure, has begun and will continue well into the new year to get us ready for the new season, so we can carry our passengers through this wonderful part of England.

I am so impressed by what you all have individually done to get the railway to this stage, and how we have collectively overcome the obstacles we faced.The West Somerset Railway is alive and very much kicking. I am so proud to be part of this railway.Thank you again for all you have done this year. I hope like me you can now look forward with real hope to 2020.

Maybe it’s a bit early, but may I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a very successful New Year.

Jonathan Jones-Pratt

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January 2025
Board Meeting Minutes Published

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Please click the Board Meeting link to access the document as a pop-up tab. Alternatively, to view all Trust Board Meetings since 2016 – view the collection

Board Meeting 30th January 2025

Join Heritage Trust as Communications & IT Trustee

Trustee Communications and Information Technology Opportunity

West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust is a key organisation on the West Somerset Railway and is responsible for:

  • Museums Management
  • Collections Management and Care
  • Heritage Carriages Restoration and Management
  • Education Learning and Community Outreach

The Board is composed of Trustees who are also Directors of the charity, each of whom has a specific set of portfolio responsibilities.

The Trust is looking to appoint a Trustee to lead on our Communications and Information Technology portfolio. The charity is pursuing a full and exciting business agenda over the next few years and we are looking for someone who has an interest in communications to help to promote the work of the Trust both within and across the West Somerset Railway but also externally. The individual concerned will also be responsible for the Information Technology brief and associated governance requirements and so will need to be able to demonstrate expertise in this area.

If you think you are interested and would like to know more, then please contact:

Closing date for applications with a CV and covering letter will be Monday, 7th April 2025.

© Gauge Museum Blue Anchor
WSRHT 2025

WSRHT Tribute to David Baker

WSRHT Tribute to David Baker

The West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust (WSRHT) is saddened to learn of the passing of David Baker who held lots of roles across the West Somerset Railway. 

A statement from the Trust’s President, Chris Austin.

David Baker's interest in railways was kindled by his grandfather and uncle, both of whom worked for the Southern Railway. He was an enthusiastic and devoted supporter of the West Somerset Railway for over 25 years. David was Catering Manager for the railway's buffet cars and later was Commercial Director and in 2013, became Vice Chairman of the PLC and in 2015 was acting Chairman. In 2016 he became a trustee and Company Secretary for the Steam Trust (now the WSR Heritage Trust), while continuing to support the PLC as Share Registrar. After the retirement of Pete Treharne, David took on the role as curator of the Blue Anchor Railway Museum. Working with him in these roles was his wife Jill, who survives him and also worked for the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Andy Forster, fulfilling the key role of maintaining locomotive records and also minuted meetings of the Trust's board. David retired as a trustee in 2020.