Work on the museum refurbishment moves on a pace. We have now had a number of the new story boards installed and the majority of the outstanding painting is almost complete. It is planned that the final fit for the story boards and exhibits will take place next week.
Today we had a film crew from the Department for Transport (DfT) visit the museum. The visit went very well indeed, much of the ongoing work has been filmed and is ‘in the can’.
During the rest of the day Chris Austin accompanied the film crew to Williton where they observed some carriage painting, the restoration of wooden bodied carriages and machining work. They also visited Alcombe Crossing to view the track work being carried out.
The crew was delighted with what they were able to film and were very impressed with the quality of work. In particular the carriage painting (they were able to film a scruffy carriage alongside a freshly painted one), and the modern track going in between Dunster and Minehead.