West Somerset Railway weed removal teams could be working near you. It would be really beneficial if every single working member of the WSR, or anyone else willing to help, would consider doing one morning of weeding on the railway track. This will help with the important work and assist the railway in surviving the current crisis.
There are so many good reasons for doing this work, quite apart from it benefiting the West Somerset Railway in readiness for when it is finally able to re-open:
Good for mental wellbeing
Good for the morale of volunteers
Some good physical exercise in the open air
Something that can be done which is very useful that can be achieved with social distancing.
If the track cannot be seen for weeds it cannot be inspected, and if it cannot be inspected trains cannot run on it.
Claire Sheppy of the Trust indicates that anyone joining the teams she is leading will be in some very beautiful countryside from Watersmeet to the southern outer limits of Crowcombe Station. Sessions are arranged according to who can be available. They can be arranged for the weekends or during the week. It has been found that a 4-hour session in the morning is an ideal length of time as to do as a full day becomes very tiring. The ideal number of people per team is between 4 and 6 per session. It is not necessary for each organisation to produce a complete team as the railway can coordinate all team participants.
Personal Track Safety (PTS) is not a requirement, although the leader of each team is required to have it: contact Claire or alternatively Shirley for more details.
Shirley Turner, E-mail shirleyturner6024@gmail.com
Claire Sheppy, E-mail clairersheppy@yahoo.co.uk
This work is being carried out in conjunction with Shirley Turner who is coordinating. There is a safety statement and guide sheet issued which all leaders will have to read. Each participant will receive a one-page briefing by email or a verbal briefing on the morning prior to work commencing.
If you are not already a volunteer for the WSR and therefore not covered as a volunteer, but still wish to participate, you will be asked to complete a couple of short documents giving certain information about yourself. This is for your own safety so that you will be covered by insurance whilst on the West Somerset Railway. The necessary forms will be sent to you by email.
Claire Sheppy 07 August 2020
West Somerset Steam Railway Trust