The West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust WSRHT

HCP Progress Report for July 2024

Posted on September 1, 2024

Heritage Carriages Project - Progress Report July 2024

Development of the Washford workshops has contnued. We have also contnued work on 6705.

  • Construction of the canopy for the dust extractor
    has started – roof framing has been installed to
    accommodate a slate roof to keep the weather
    off; this will then complete the installation of our
    dust extraction system.
  • The dust extraction system now needs to be
    tested by a certified LEV inspector – we have
    sought quotes for this inspection and have
    selected a supplier for this service. The inspection
    and testing will be carried out during August.
  • We have moved the large worktable, previously
    placed in the main shed, into the ground-floor
    workshop. We will add some woodworking vices
    to it during August.
  • The first of two workshop safety training sessions has been held, attended by six of the team.
    This very useful and informative day highlighted several areas where we could further
    develop the safe working environment and these items will be addressed in the coming
    weeks. This includes additional signage in the workshop, and some adjustments to some of
    our machine tools to improve their operation.
  • The use of a router table was also identified as the best method of improving router accuracy
    as well as enhancing its operating safety. We have managed to purchase a second-hand
    router table for this purpose; this will be installed during August

Work has continued on 6705: 

    • The sliding ventilators on the windows have been removed and cleaned and have now been primed and undercoated. The frames have been primed, undercoated and a top coat has now been applied.
    • The guttering problem has been quite an undertaking, but we are now moving forward. Once the gutting was removed, we had to get rid of the rust, which left some pin holes in the roof sheeting.
    • We have painted the damaged areas with 2-part epoxy to give it a key and then added a second coat of the epoxy with a filler added.
    • We have also done some work on the doors so hopefully they will open and close much better than previously.
    • Three brakes shoes have been turned round to improve friction surface area. Both vacuum brake cylinders are now holding the brakes on all the wheels for at least 45 minutes. The Direct Admission (DA) values are at present bypassed.

Plans for August 2024

  1. Workshop

The following should largely complete the fit-out of the workshops:
a. Complete canopy for dust extractor.
b. LEV Testing of dust extraction system
c. Install router table.
d. Add vices to work-table
e. Complete various small changes to enhance workshop safety as suggested during the safety training day

2.  6705

a. Complete top-coating of sliding ventilators
b. Re-assemble ventilators with new seals
c. Sand down the filled areas adjacent the roof guttering and then refit the guttering with a beading and filler adhesive.
d. Once the above is complete, start re-paint of carriage.
e. Refurbish both Direct Admission valves.

3.  Safety Documentary

Undertake second safety training day for remainder of team. Following the second training day, a further half-day practical session will be arranged when all volunteers can demonstrate their ability to safely use the machines while guided by the trainer.