Rail200 Celebrations: Meet Seth - who is going to the Young Engineers Day

My name is Seth, I am 7 years old and am very excited about the “Young Engineers Day” on the West Somerset Railway. I am glad my Mummy and Daddy reserved a space early for me because both days are now sold out and I love trains.
I have two favourite locomotives on the WSR, they are 9351 the Mogul and 7822, Foxcote Manor, and I would like to be a train driver one day.
I am also looking forward to meeting Mr. Chris Vine as I have some of the Peters Railways books, I bought one from the WSRHT and I had 3 for Christmas from Grandma. My favourite story is “The Surprise Goods”.
I couldn’t choose which thing I was looking forward to most of all, the signal box visit, the train ride to Minehead, visiting the Engine Shed or watching and learning about the Turntable? So, I ask my Mummy and she said “put all of them”!
I will tell you all about the day when I get back, but I am really looking forward to it.
Seth, aged-seven.
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