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West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust WSRHT

Gauge Museum Blue Anchor

In 1985, the Great Western Railway celebrated its 150th anniversary and created a museum at Blue Anchor Station to showcase its legacy and artefacts. It houses railway maps, historical documents, photos, and memorabilia for visitors to appreciate and to keep the traditions of the company alive for future generations.

Visit Gauge Museum Blue Anchor to explore railway technology history. Located in Somerset, it’s open on Sundays, Bank Holidays, and Gala days from Easter to October. Contact us for special opening arrangements via our website.

The museum showcases 550 GWR artifacts with a West Country focus. Generous loans and donations have helped amass an impressive collection for visitors. Displays are well-curated, and information leaflets provide insight into the artifacts. Come visit and see for yourself!

The museum is financed by donations from visitors and admission is free.

More content on this page is envisaged over the next few months as the Museum reopens. If you have any pictures, along with your permission, please do contact us if you would like us to publish your images.

Trust projects

Blue Anchor Railway
Museum - Closed

The Gauge Museum Blue Anchor has needed some extensive refurbishment in the last few years, and the Trust hopes to re-open this Gauge Museum in the Spring of 2024.