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West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust WSRHT

Story sacks

Story Sack 1

Story Sacks are designed to give children a more genuine insight into a specific story, by offering the opportunity to gain tactile experience of handling and exploring objects linked to the key themes in the book.  These objects can be used in a variety of different ways e.g. to form the basis of role play, sequencing, discussion, comparison or guessing games. 

Each story sack contains a copy of the main story book, an accompanying Non-Fiction Text that complements the key themes of the story and a collection of objects and resources that allow you to explore and enjoy the story in greater depth. In addition to this, each sack contains an activities pack containing ideas and resources that have been designed to extend engagement with the book and encourage the development of a range of skills linking to the EYFS curriculum, including communication, sequencing and early writing and maths. 

Story Sack 2

Available for a period of up to three weeks, Story Sacks cost just £15.00 to borrow and are available for collection from the Gauge Museum at Bishops Lydeard.

For further information or to book a Story Sack, please get in touch with our Education and Learning officer: